I’m a bit behind with my reviews – I have been doing them each week, but I’ve read so many good books recently that my list is getting longer and longer. Such a great problem to have! In the interests of getting through that list, here are some short, quickfire reviews of all of the 5 star non fiction books that I have read recently (and are yet to review):
The Storyteller by Dave Grohl. This was recommended to me earlier in the year when I did a social media post about biographies. Now, I am not a fan of the Foo Fighters by any stretch of the imagination, and those who know me well will know that I may have the worst taste in music possible, but I do love books, and biographies. And I do love a book recommendation.
On the face of it, it doesn’t seem as though this would be a book foe me, but I loved this book! I feel like after reading it, that Dave Grohl and I could be friends. Obviously we would not listen to music together, but the way he has written his book is on such a level that afterwards, you feel like you are his friend. Mr Matilda also read it on my recommendation, and he also really rated it. He would however go to a Foo Fighters concert and everyone loves Mr Matilda so I am sure they would also be friends (I happen to be married to the world’s most likeable man). If you like biographies, this is a good one! Add to your list (even if you don’t like this genre of music).
Next up this week we have Straight Up by Ruby Tui. I could probably write the exact same words for the review of this book, except remove the words “Foo Fighters” and replace with “rugby”.(I don’t like Foo Fighters or rugby.. I am a HIT at parties). I enjoyed reading Ruby Tui’s story, and I also favour books by New Zealand authors. I also favour books by and about strong women, who struggle through adversity, overcome obstacles and kick butt! I would obviously also be friends with Ruby Tui. She can come and hang out with me, Mr Matilda and Dave Grohl.
On another note, Ruby Tui has just announced that she has written a children’s book called Little Ruby and Friends. I will have to get this for my kids. If Straight Up or Little Ruby and Friends interest you, please go out and buy these books to support this amazing wahine toa.
Finally this week, and completely unrelated to the two books already mentioned, is The In-Between: Unforgettable Encounters During Life’s Final Moments by Hadley Vlahos. Vlahos is a passionate advocate for end-of-life care. She is a nurse who has chosen to be a hospice nurse – something quite rare for a younger person. Vlahos shows us that end-of-life care can teach us as much about life as it does about death. Vlahos writes about twelve of her patients and their stories, and their experience with death. This book is written with such humility and grace. This won’t be a book for everyone given the subject matter. I did find myself (understandably) crying in parts, but I really enjoyed it. Death is a subject we probably need to talk about more, and this is one way to do that. This book was a 5-star read for me.
Have you read any 5-star non-fiction or biographies recently? I would love to know your recommendations because life is too short to read bad books.
P.S I still have about 9 book reviews to write, so next week will be more mini reviews. Maybe I need to stop giving out 5-stars!
Excellent reviews! Can't wait to buy Ruby Tui's kids books ... for the kids😏